Save Me

hey, this band is called a dying race, and you probly have not heard of them unless you live in the nappanee area, and are a punk. anywho, this is probly their esiest song, and it is from the album "Post Victory Times" no funny tuning for this song either, although im not sure that happens to often with bass intro part a: g|------------------------| D|------------------------| A|------------------------| E|-5----5-5----5-1--1-3--3| intro part b: g|----------------| D|----------------| this part is not quite A|----------------| so rapid, just listen to te song and you'll get it. E|5555555511113333| (verse(same as above)) Chorus: g|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|----------------------------| E|5555555555551111111333333333| while the guitar plays a solo, bass plays this: g|----------------| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|----1-1-1-3-3-3-| song order: intro part a intro part b verse chorus verse solo chorus intro part a intro part b end well, that's it, if you've even heard the song i hope you enjoi this. If you've never heard of a ding race, you should check them out at god, i hope i don't get sued...